Being a designer for over 20 years I have experienced all facets of the review process with clients and there are a few tips I can pass on to make this as simple as possible. One way to really make it easy is to put the corrections actually on the file and resend - this can be done via PDF if you have the right software or just put straight onto the item and then scanned in and sent. It's amazing how a simple message in a text of email can be interpreted in many different ways and hence you end up with the review process taking a lot longer than it needs to, which can add up to more costs we want to avoid that right?
Example of corrections sent via edited PDF and some comments back and forth from designer and client. Notice the use of an unusual colour so the correction really stands out.
What do other people think? Please feel free to leave any comments if you have had experience with this. I just want to leave with you with some comments that we designers have all unfortunately had to deal with, they are funny until you are faced with something like this in a brief!
You can click through the above image to see some totes awesome client quotes!