Huge congratulations to Kathryn Lomer for her nomination for this prestigious award!
The idea for this cover of course came with some ideas and suggestions from the author and publishers Puncher & Wattmann. I then went through a process of image search and photoshop to come to the final illustrations and then of course applied the typography. It’s so thrilling to see these works get the attention and acclaim they deserve. Well done.
Following text taken from the official website for the awards:
“Even the titles thrum, so that the index reads like a suite of small poems. Kathryn Lomer’s is a house with many rooms, Wunderkammers all, filled with curious objects drawn from the worlds of art, science, nature, love, life, death… everything. Supple lines and sensitive rhythms make surprising conjunctions, often leading us from the smallest detail of a beloved’s body to an erotics of the cosmos. Lomer’s music shows us what it means to live a life of poetry.” – Judges’ comments, 2021 Dorothy Hewett Award
Read an extract from the book
About the author
Kathryn Lomer is a Tasmanian poet, novelist, short story and Young Adult fiction writer. Her first collection of poetry, Extraction of Arrows, won the 2004 Anne Elder Award. Her second, Two Kinds of Silence, won the 2008 Kenneth Slessor Prize in the NSW Premier’s Awards. Her third, Night Writing, had a dedicated ABC Radio Poetica program. The manuscript of her fourth collection, AfterLife, was shortlisted in the Western Australian Unpublished Manuscript Award in 2023. AfterLife was then published by Puncher and Wattmann. Kathryn has won the Josephine Ulrick Poetry Prize and been included in Newcastle Poetry Prize anthologies, including the 2024 anthology.