Here is the show that got played over the festive season. Lots of great gal music here! Tune in and enjoy xx

#Wetleg #thepixies #L7 #theflyinglizardsband #thelittlegirlsband #nikkiandthecorvettes #thecloudsband #thepretenders #blondie #hole #thebreeders #siouxsieandthebanshees #thesundaysband

Get ya listening ears on for this episode of FROCK ROCK!!

For your listening pleasure we have:

#verucasalt #Nikkiandthecourvettes #letigre #shitkid #xrayspecs #aprilmarch #theheadcoatees #losbitchos #skinnygirldiet #themelancholics #adeleandthechandeliers #fallingjoys #jennydontandthespurs #crankwilliams

Thanks to @mickmedew_and_ursula for the Brisbane band selections. Lemme know what you think and please send any songs you would like to hear on Frock Rock.

#PottyMouth, #TheSpazzys, #Blondie, #TheGoGos, #KatrinaandTheWaves, #BlakeBabies, #TheDonnas, #SaharaHotnights, #TheGoShielas, #GuerillaToss, #charlyblissband

Hold onto your hats folks cause this weeks Frock Rock is a ripper! We are all about POWER POP – the show is locked and loaded and ready to go, tune in to on Sunday at 2pm – or listen any time after that on my website,
Also, send me a message if you have a frock rockin' tune you'd like me to put on the show xx

#vikaandlindabull #ReginaSpektor #MazzyStar #BertieBlackman #Blondie #Mavis's #Alvvays #Deadstar #Spiderbait #MagicDirt #LeonardosBride #PJHarvey #TheDonnas #TheDivynls

This weeks show is all about love, not necessarily in a traditional way but songs that all speak to me about love. I’m full of it this month as my beautiful daughter Matilda and her fella Yulan tied the knot and it was spectacular!

#DonnaAmini, #CherylCrow, #EmmylouHarris, #LauraImbriglia, #TheArchies, #JosieandthePussycats, #Ronettes, #Supremes, #ArethaFranklin, #TheSlits, #XRaySpecs, #AuPairs, #TheRaincoats, #LookBlueGoPurple, #TheAmps

Another wildly shifting episode today with some really new stuff, some bubble gum pop some super Motown moments and then some stuff that rose up from the Thatcher era and then a little group from 1980s Dunedin. All this and of course me yapping and sharing some tit bits of trivia! If you can’t listen today - fear not! You can tune in anytime at my website miranda

#TheClingers #CourtneyBarnett #Widdershins #Portishead #CocteauTwins #TheBushTetras #TheAnemicBoyfriends #PamBurridge #AmlandtheSniffers #Divinyls #Blondie #PeggieLee

#TheSupremes #UtahSaints #SelenaGomez #AngusandJuliaStone #TheCannanes

#TheCannanes #Siouxsie&theBanshees #CocteauTwins #TheParticles #TheTriffids #Duffy #LauraJean #Thibault #GretaNow

#5678s #TheDonnas #Afrirampo #TheAmorettes #BabesInToyland #BikiniKill #Bratmobile #Fanny #TheBodySnatchers #TheBelleStars #Liliput #Mo-dettes #7YearBitch #TheGoGos

#TheWaitresses #SonicYouth #SpursForJesus #FallingJoys #TheHummingbirds #Cowsills #ShockingBlue #Honeycombs #TheRezillos #ChickenShack #FleetwoodMac #TheCranberries #JoanJett #Peaches

#RuthBrown #PJHarvey #MarlynMonroe #Bjork #Eurythmics #PatsyCline #LittleQuirks #AmyWinehouse #AlanisMorisette #ThePartridgeFamily #DustySpringfield #GirlMonstar #AmylandtheSniffers #NinaHagan

#NancySinatra #LorettaLynJackWhite #SineadOConnor #TinaTurner #SonnyandCher #JennyDontandtheSpurs #AlteredImages #KateBush #LilyAllen #JanisJoplin #TheBangles #Abba #FlorenceandtheMachine #TheBreeders

#LittleBirdy #MagicDirt #SpiderBait #Knievel #TheWaifs #George #Titanics #MachineGunFellation #Screamfeeder #Ladyhawke #SuperJesus #Jebidiah #Nitocris #KylieMinogue

#Fox #SusieQuatro #ThePleasureSeekers #Runnaways #Blondie #Girslschool #AmyStewart #PattiSmith #LindaRonstadt #Promises #KimWild #XRaySpecs #TheSlits

#SiouxsieandtheBanshees #TheGoGos #BowWowWow #TheCramps #ThePretenders #B52s #MarthaandtheMuffins #ThePandoras #LeneLovitch #TilTuesday #DeeeLite #Divinyls #JoanJett

#WetTaxis #XLCapris #BoxTheJesuit #BoxofFish #SardineV #Widdershins #FlamingHands #ThePassengers #Hummingbirds #SomethingForKate #BigPig

#TheClouds #FallingJoys #ChristineAnu #BabyAnimals #RebeccasEmpire #TheSuperJesus #Frente #VikaandLindaBull #Skulker #KillingHeidi

#PelMel #TheNumbers #TheLaughingClowns #TheGoBetweens #Divinyls #X #janeClifton #DoReMi #GirlMonstar #JennyMorris #KateCebrano

#NoeleneBatley #LittlePattie #PatsyAnneNobel #LaurelLea #BettyMcQuade #OliviaNewtonJohn #TheSeekers #HelenReddy #AurielAndrew #MarciaHines #ReneeGeyer